Saturday 9 November 2013

Egg Retrieval Day

Oct 18th comes very quickly, its egg retrieval day and we have all done the wrong thing and googled everything about everything about egg retrieval and are left with an exciting but unsettling feeling. Worried it will hurt and be uncomfortable we all hold our breath as we pull into the underground parkade of Olive Fertility. We park our car, hop in the elevator and make our way up to the clinic. We are greeted by there lovely receptionist, but this time she shares "good luck today" and it was very genuine. We get brought into the patient area by a lovely nurse Mikey. She was exactly what we needed. She broke our fear and tension down and was an incredible support network from start to finish. She got Lisa, Brett and I relaxed in our waiting area. She gives lisa her "Bottle of wine" to make the procedure more comfortable for her.

 Within an hour we are taken into the room where the retrieval is done. With Brett and I on one side, She has Mikey on the other side holding her hand giving her words of encouragement and reinforcing how great she is doing through the entire process. We all gained a special bond with her that day as we really felt she was part of the process with us and made it so much more comfortable. Dr Hikari was the Dr who did the retrieval and he was incredible. Made Lisa feel very comfortable and talked us through the entire procedure. 

In total the procedure was about 15 minutes and Lisa did incredible, she was so strong and positive through the entire process. We went back to the recovery room and relaxed until she was ready to leave. Before leaving Paula came in and praised Lisa for how great she did and gave us our final egg retrieval count. They managed to retrieve 15 healthy eggs, which is more then we were expecting!

On our drive home Lisa mentions "well my part is done", I answer back your part will never be "done". She had given us a gift that will continue giving through the enjoyment of raising our own child and a chance to experience all the incredible milestones that she has had with her own son. That day was the first big step into Brett and I being Daddys!

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