I had many conversations with Sue at this point, and I became a broken record on my concerns and fears. Again she lifted me up, dusted me off and said we will figure this out together. She then suggested the option of seeing if a friend or family member would be open to the idea of being an egg donor for us as it could potential increase our chances of success as we would be working with fresh eggs, rather then frozen from the Donor Egg Bank out of the USA. I was again faced with how do I ever ask someone to do that for us. I spoke with Raylene about what was tabled as an option and what does this incredible woman do.... She gets on the phone and starts sharing our story with her friends with the hopes someone with an open heart and mind would want to help us.

Raylene msg's me hours later with three woman who wanted to help us. That heart pounding moment that I felt when she offered to be our surrogate came rushing back as my eyes whelled up I turned to Brett in our moment of helplessness and shared the news. He was speechless and will never forget the look in his eyes. It was a look of hope, something so special that I will forever hold in my heart.
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